Ambassador Ty'Ra Johnson is a trailblazer with several five-fold ministry gifts and is a certified life empowerment specialist, dynamic speaker, teacher, and motivator. Her passion is Prophetic Intercession that specializes in equipping warriors for the advancement of the Kingdom. She is best known as a life strategist and respected intercessor that can transform, translate, convert and revolutionize people for the Kingdom of God. Also, she is the Co-Founder of Mordecai Global Network.
AmbaTJ is a graduate of Kingdom University and has been mentored under the tutelage of Dr. Cindy Trimm. As a result, she launched her coaching business, The Paga Xperience, Women of Worth, and Ladies of Legacy.
She also relishes that God has given her the opportunity to pastor at Eagles Wings Ministry of Faith, Yorktown VA with her husband of 32+ years, Apostle Garcia Johnson. She believes the first assignment God gave her was to be a queen to her king and to raise her two beautiful daughters to be queens in their own homes. In that great allotment, she has received 2 sons, 6 brilliant grand-daughters and 1 ingenious grandson.
Amba Tj delights herself in the LORD and prides herself in exemplifying agape love to those that God places in her realm of influence. She abides by the fact that what she makes happen for others, God will make happen for her. She is on a effectuate journey to arise, define the vision, take counsel and go after wisdom for it is better than gold.
In a nutshell, SHE'S YOUR PUSHER!

My passion is to impact, empower and change lives. My mission is to empower you to discover your identity and embark upon your God-ordained destiny. If you are unsure of your purpose and destiny and need life coaching contact me using the contact page.
Also, follow me on social media to stay connected and aware of when I go live via FB, Instagram & Clubhouse.